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- SWMC-Academy Purchase-Core Curriculum 2024-2025 School Year
Add To Your WishlistSWMC-Academy Purchase-Core Curriculum 2024-2025 School Year
Add To Your WishlistSWMC-Academy Purchase-Core Curriculum 2024-2025 School Year
Enrollment into the microschool program is open to students in grades 4-9 all year. Students may join for full year curriculum, semester 1, or semester 2.
Students will participate and work in the following Google Classroom classes each week:
-Language Arts
-Writing Prompts
The microschool is available using several options:
-Full Year Curriculum With 2 Weekly Zooms $3200
With this option students will receive full curriculum using Google Classroom and Spectrum workbooks. The family can also pick two days a week for weekly Zooms.
-Full Semester Curriculum With 2 Weekly Zooms $1600
-Full Semester Of Curriculum Only (No Zooms Included-Self Paced Module) $800
Students will meet with Mrs. Collins twice a week for Zoom sessions.
The rest of the week the student will work in Google Classroom on the curriculum and assignments provided. These assignments have been created personally by Mrs. Collins and will involve a variety of different interactive and edtech tools (videos from Mrs. Collins, slideshows, GC assignments, GC activities, GC labs, Youtube links, interactives, vocabulary practice using Quizizz or Quizlet, and more). Each subject will have 4-5 tasks for each week. Students can move at their own pace during the week to complete the weekly tasks. If the student needs help they will be able to put questions in the private GC comments, email Mrs. Collins, or use Google chat. If needed, the student can join Mrs. Collins Zoom help sessions at set times during the week if additional questions arise.
-student gmail email to access Google Classroom
-steady wifi access
-student headphones
-quiet area to work on assignments in the home or at a library
-spiral notebook (70 pages or more) for each class
-access to a printer and computer paper
-3-4 days a week to dedicate 3-4 hours on classwork each day
-ability to work independently in Google Classroom
-parent/guardian that will work with the student on assignments, as needed
-parent/guardian to check at the end of the week to confirm the student has completed the weekly assignments so the student will be ready for the next week's Zoom
-signed parent/student expectations agreement
The academy program is broken up into two semesters. Each semester has 18 weeks of lessons for a total of 36 weeks of learning. This will meet the state requirements for 180 school days. We will follow the schedule you set for your 180 days.
All classes will meet state and Next Generation standards.
Zooms Twice A Week/36 Weeks @ $25/Zoom session =$1800 Total (72 Zooms)
Google Classroom Curriculum (Access To 4 Google Classrooms With Full Curriculum. Each core subject class will have 4-5 assignments each for a minimum of 180 assignments each core subject.
-History (180 assignments in a full year)-$300 for the year ($150/semester)
-Math (180 assignments in a full year)-$400 for the year ($200/semester)
-Science (180 assignments in a full year)-$300 for the year ($150/semester)
-L Arts (180 assignments in a full year)-$400 for the year ($200/semester)
-Spelling (Weekly spelling list/one test a week)-included no extra charge
-Writing Prompts Google Classroom access-included no extra charge
Math and LArts require more feedback on equations and writing revisions, to explain the difference in prices.
Total:Tuition: $3200 for Full Year With 2 Weekly Zoom Program
If a payment plan is needed, please email.
-Language Arts
35 minute live session with Mrs. Collins once a week
Language Arts Google Classroom with 5 assignments per week for 36 weeks (180 assignments)
Language Arts Spectrum workbook
Reading Spectrum workbook (Reading Comprehension Workbook, Nonfiction and Fiction Passages, Analyzing Story Structure, and Critical Thinking Skills)
Weekly spelling list and one live spelling test a week with Mrs. Collins
Spelling Google Classsroom (for additional practice)
Writing Prompts Google Classroom (for creative writing practice)
35 minute live session with Mrs. Collins once a week
History Google Classroom with 5 assignments per week for 36 weeks (180 assignments)
Mark Twain workbook
35 minute live session with Mrs. Collins once a week
Science Google Classroom with 5 assignments/labs per week for 36 weeks (180 assignments)
35 minute live session with Mrs. Collins once a week
Math Google Classroom with 5 assignments per week for 36 weeks (180 assignments)
Math practice workbook
-Nature Collection Kit (all students will receive one via mail)-includes 3 plastic specimen collection containers, mini magnifying glass, sticker)
-Science themed sticker pack (themes available: mushrooms, insects, butterflies, horses, forest theme, mini green trees, and weather themes)
You can pick curriculum only, or add on the Zoom addition. It is up to your family needs.
The curriculum only options provides spelling, writing prompts, history, math, science, language arts, and history self paced curriculum in Google Classroom. This is perfect for students who have left the school system, and need to finish the school year (the remaining 90 days for semester 2).
The Zoom addition is provided to families that would like to add live interaction with a certified teacher to the curriculum program. The Zoom addition is optional, but a great addition for students who need more support each week.
Once I have created a course for a family, I provide it for others self paced for $99. If this interests you, please message me to see if I have the grade level and subject you need if you are looking for one course only.