Elementary Core Science Christian Prespective (Semester: Grades 2, 3, 4, and 5 Available)

Elementary Core Science Christian Prespective (Semester: Grades 2, 3, 4, and 5 Available)

These classes will provide elementary students with quality science curriculum for a full semester. This Christian based course will feature Bible components with topics matching Bible verses each week. Students will be provide via Google Classroom short lessons over science topics, and then 4-5 activities each week. These activities can be labs to try at home, crafts and more. Each week will feature activities that will take around 20-40 minutes each day.

At this time this class is provided for grades 2-5th only, because of the need of independent work online and technology abilities. 

Platform: Google Classroom

Length: 17 Week/Unit Semester Course

Each class for grades 2-5th will only be a semester long. In the school system, science and history are only 1/2 year courses so a full semester meets the state requirements for a school year in science. 

Curriculum: Apologia, Lumen Learning, Abeka Science, Glencoe

Labs: All grade levels will have at-home labs, crafts, and fun interactives.

Assessments: Interactive testing will be provided over each unit using a teacher program, where students will be provided a code for assessments and immediate grading. 

These course core curriculum classes will be highly hands-on on, with inquiry based learning. Curriculum will be provided, with online pdf chapters. The course will use a combination of Glencoe Science, Holt Science, CK-12, and Ga Virtual Resources. 

Each course will meet the following standards:

2nd Grade Standards-https://www.nextgenscience.org/search-standards?&tid[]=101

3rd Grade Standards-https://www.nextgenscience.org/search-standards?&tid[]=103

4th Grade Standards-https://www.nextgenscience.org/search-standards?&tid[]=104

5th Grade Standards-https://www.nextgenscience.org/search-standards?&tid[]=105

This course is offered two ways-self paced or live Zoom. Self paced is perfect for parents who are interested in using the class to teach from at home. Some assignments the student can also work on independently. The self paced curriculum will be provided Google Classroom with 5 tasks for each week. Graded assessments will be provided. The live Zoom option provides 17 Zooms with Mrs. Collins during the 17 weeks. During those Zooms she will help with labs, and provide short lessons over the week's tasks. 

Self paced=$170 for 17 weeks curriculum

Live Zoom=$425 for 17 weeks curriculum and 17 Zooms

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