Middle School Life Science Christian Based (Year Long: Grades 5-8)
Grades: 5-8
Students will engage in “hands on” and a student centered approach to learning science. The course focuses on the study of life and life processes. It allows the students to develop concepts in life science and critical thinking through observation and experimentation. Throughout the year students will explore life science as a process, chemistry related to living organisms,cell structures and functions, genetics and heredity, diversity of living organisms and their ecological roles, and an introduction to animal structure and function.
Scientific Processes, Biodiversity and Interdependence of Organisms, Types Of Cells, Cell Processes, Reproduction and Development of Organisms, Genetics, Human Body Systems.
Curriculum Resources:Holt Life Science, Glencoe Life Science, Lumen Learning Biology/Life Science Concepts, CK-12 Flexbooks Life Science, BJU, Apologia, Abeka, and Nearpod Life Science. All online chapters needed will be provided via pdf.
Christian Based: By request I have created a Christian based Life Science using many sections from Apologia, BJU, and Abeka. Each week Bible verses will be included, and stories from the Bible on science topics that we cover.
Life Science Grade Level Assessments: $25 (optional add-on)
Grade level assessments provide data for families to check mastery of state Life Science standards. The test can be taken at anytime during the year, but a full 40-70 minutes will need to be devoted to the test time. After the test is completed the family will receive a pdf copy of the results and a recommendation sheet. Grade level assessments are great for students leaving the school year mid year, and for students who have just completed a course to check mastery of topics.
This includes access to a customized Life Science Google Classroom, online textbook, labs, and interactive graded assessments. The course will follow a self paced format, with 5 tasks to complete each week for a total of 17 weeks (85 assignments) each semester. This course consists of 2 semesters.
Self Paced $180/semester @ $10/week
2 semester class=$360
The curriculum allows each student 12 months to complete the course. The online textbook is provided, and 5-6 weekly assignmentsk/labs. A total of 85 assignments will be provided each semester.
Live Zoom Option
36 Zoom lessons @ $25/session=$900
The live Zoom option includes the curriculum used for self paced, with addiitional live Zoom lessons.
Payment plans are available, by request.