Elementary Summer Science Class (6 Weeks: Grades 3-6) Session 1

Elementary Summer Science Class (6 Weeks: Grades 3-6) Session 1

Available for purchase during the months of May, June, or July only since the assignments are summer based.

This fun summer science class will feature weekly tasks to complete each week. This class can be used all year long. Students will be provided a code to join a class in Google Classroom. Students can log in when convenient to work on tasks at the student's pace. 

Week 1 Summer Science

-Create a nature scavenger hunt. 

Students will collect various items in nature to create a nature collection in an egg carton. 

Supplies needed: empty egg carton, nature found items

Week 2 Forensics Fun

Students will learn about the science of fingerprints using various mediums. 

Supplies needed: white paper (computer paper), ink pad (or dark eye shadow), dark markers, clear glass

Week 3-4 Earth Science Fun

Students will learn about the 3 types of rocks, and how the rock cycle can change rocks. 

Students will learn about the water cycle, and create a lego or ziploc bag water cycle. 

Supplies needed: paper, crayons/coloring pencils/markers, ziploc bag, water, food coloring (blue), black permanent marker, starburst candies in several colors, microwave to heat up starburst

Optional: lego plate, legos, sticky notes

Week 5-6 Life Science Fun

Students will learn about pollination by dissecting a flower. 

Students will learn about pollination transfer using a cheese puff pollination lab. 

Supplies needed: flower with a bloom from grocery store or florist, plastic knife, sticky notes, dry erase marker, construction paper, juice box, straws, cheese puffs or cheetos, chenille sticks

This is session 1 of 4 science lab themed classes for elementary students. Additional sessions will be offered throughout the year for students who wish to continue over other science topics (Environmental Science, Animal Science, Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy, Forestry, etc). 

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