Genetics (Wed 9am EST Winter Semester) With Open Tent Academy

Genetics (Wed 9am EST Winter Semester) With Open Tent Academy


Wednesday, January 8 2025 @ 9:00AM EST
Wednesday, March 12 2025 @ 10:30AM EST
Event Categories:
2024 – 2025 Classes, NCAA Approved Courses, Science / Engineering, Winter 2025 Classes

This course discusses the principles of genetics with application to the study of biological function at the level of molecules, cells, and multicellular organisms, including humans. The topics include: structure and function of genes, chromosomes and genomes, biological variation resulting from recombination, mutation, and selection, population genetics, use of genetic methods to analyze protein function, gene regulation and inherited disease.

Mrs.Collins is a certified science teacher with 24 years of experience. She currently writes science curriculum for many public school systems. This course will focus on the basics of genetics, genetic scientists, genetic history, traits and a unit on animal genetics. Mrs. Collins has taught Animal Genetics at UGA. 

This class will meet for live instruction once a week. During class time, students will talk about different related topics and participation in group discussions. After the live meeting, students will work in Canvas on 5-7 weekly assignments. Along the way, students will add assignments, notes, and diagrams to their science spiral notebook. 


To review basic biology genetics fundamentals.

To develop students’ knowledge of more complex genetic inheritance patterns.

To help students recognize and understand the use of a variety of scientific tools for manipulation of DNA (terms and techniques).

To enable students to read about genetically modified organisms and DNA testing and write about it in a way that reflects intelligent and thoughtful analysis.

To provide a wide range of learning opportunities, including worksheets, labs, tests, and essays, in order for students of varying ability levels to be successful.

To learn what is currently being utilized in the realm of genetics and glimpse what future advances may be possible.

NOTE: This class must reach the minimum of five students by August 20th to run. If we do not reach this minimum, parents will be notified via email.

Open Tent handles enrollment for this course. Please visit the link provided above. 

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