Add To Your WishlistFULL-Biology (Monday 7pm EST September 2024) Group Zoom (Grades 8-12)

Add To Your WishlistFULL-Biology (Monday 7pm EST September 2024) Group Zoom (Grades 8-12)

This class is no longer available it is full. Please email to be put on a waiting list or please pick the self paced option for this course. 


Length: 1 Full Year

Format: Google Classroom & Live Zoom

Class will meet for live Zoom instruction Monday evenings from 7-7:45pm EST.  During the week students will continue their studies in Google Classroom. 

Grade Level: 8-12

Prerequisites: Middle School Life Science

Tuition-$430 total ($215/semester) This class will consist of Science With Mrs. Collins students and The Scholar Cube students.  Class number will be limited because of group labs that will be completed, please register early.

This subject is designed to provide a general background for the understanding of the science of Biology. This course develops an appreciation of the beauty of life from its simplest composition at the molecular level to the global spectrum of complex ecological issues. It discusses Genetics, Cytology, Photosynthesis, Cellular Respiration, Populations, and Ecology.  Issues, concerns, and problems with life are also included. It also deals with the basic principles and processes in the study of biology. It covers life processes and interactions at the cellular, organism, population, and ecosystem levels.

General Standards:

 The learner demonstrates an understanding of basic concepts and processes in Biology as deepened by other disciplines to analyze/solve problems critically, think innovatively / creatively, and make informed decisions to enhance the integrity and wellness of the human person, protect the environment and conserve resources to sustain the quality of life.Students should expect daily assignments as well as projects, quizzes, tests, and laboratory reports. Students will also learn problem solving skills and important study skill tips during the course.

Biology Importance Biology is known as the prerequisite class for all high school science classes. Biology is normally taken in 9th grade. A strong foundation in Biology provides success in high school. The SAT and ACT, needed for college admission, is predominately over Biology and Life Science. So a strong foundation is key. 

Biology Grade Level Assessment: $25 (Optional)

If your child has recently finished Biology, left the school system mid year to homeschool, or will be going into Biology; a pre-assessment is a great key to check mastery. Using Quizizz a code will be provided for the student to take the assessment. The assessment will cover all of the state standards needed to check Biology mastery. The student will need to devote 40-70 minutes to the assessment. The parent will be needed to supervise that additional window or internet help is not used during the test to have a true test of accuracy/comprehension.  Biology assessments can be taken at any time during the year. After, a grade will be provided immediately. The parent will then receive a copy of the test and a recommendation regarding skill mastery. 

Online Format  
This includes access to a customized Biology Google Classroom, online textbook, labs, interactive graded assessments, and live group Zooms. The course will follow a hybrid format, with tasks to complete each week in Google Classroom in addition to live Zooms. 

Mid Year Registration

Mid year registeration is open, and students leaving the school sysem who have previously taken first semester are also welcome. 


Students will meet for 12 live Zooms for fall semester, and 12 live Zoom for spring semester. The class will run from September to April to complete 10 units of instruction over 24 weeks. This class meets the requirements for a high school science credit with a lab.

Curriculum Resources:

Evolution Questions:

In this course I will feature a neutral stance toward religion, and will not be covering evolution or religious themes in this general Biology class.  Instead the goal is to teach a standards based science course with a large focus on cellular biology. Any mention of evolution will be in relation to changes of animals over time (beak size, hair growth, animal adaptation methods). This stance seems to help parents feel more comfortable and allow parents to discuss that topic instead at home, if needed by the family. 

State Laboratory Requirement:

This course does meet the state laboratory requirement, and will require students to practice labs using step-by-step laboratory processes and with the use of lab reports. Students will upload images and video responses to lab assignments. This course has more than the usual lab activities which makes this class very popular. The instructor believes in hands-on learning to help with comprehension. Students will take notes in a science spiral, create notecards of new vocabulary, draw science diagrams, research topics, create summary paragraphs, and perform lots of labs during the session.

Scope & Sequence

Unit 1 History Of Biology Video Lessons 

1.1 The Science Of Biology

1.2 Famous Biologists

1.3 The Future Of Biology    

Unit 2 Taxonomy & Classification Methods Video Lessons

2.1 Taxonomy

2.2 Levels Of Classification

2.3 Binomial Nomenclature

2.4 Dichotomous Key    

Unit 3 Cell Structures Video Lessons

3.1 Introduction To Cells

3.2 Cell Parts & Functions

3.3 Plant Cells

3.4 Animal Cells

Unit 4 Cell Processes Video Lessons 

4.1 Cell Transport

4.2 Photosynthesis

4.3 Cell Respiration

4.4 Products of Cell Processes    

Unit 5 Cell Growth & Division Video Lessons

5.1 Cell Cycle

5.2 Cell Division

5.3 Mitosis

5.4 Meiosis

Unit 6 DNA Video Lessons 

6.1 Structure Of DNA

6.2 Transcription, Translation, & Replication

6.3 RNA    

Unit 7 Genetics Video Lessons 

7.1 Introduction To Genetics

7.2 Heredity

7.3 Genetic Conditions

7.4 Gene Engineering

Unit 8 Variation Of Species Video Lessons

8.1 Introduction To Variations

8.2 Variations To Plants

8.3 Variations To Animals    

Unit 9 Survival Adaptation Video Lessons 

9.1 Introduction To Survival Adaptations

9.2 Animal Adaptations

9.3 Behavior Adaptations

9.4 Plant Adaptations    

Unit 10 Ecology Video Lessons 

10.1 Introduction To Ecology

10.2 Symbiosis

10.3 Human Impact

Supply List:

spiral notebook or scrapbook type book (70 page minimum)

pencil, pen, highlighter, tape, stapler, glue, scissors

coloring pencils

tape-invisible, masking,  and duct tape

ziploc bags in various sizes to hold notecards for each unit


play-doh or modeling clay

DNA helix-gummy bear, Twizzlers, toothpicks

Osmosis-clear cups, gummy bears, potatoes, kitchen sponge, vinegar, kool aid, sugar, corn syrup

Cells-plate, shampoo, small items or small pieces of candy to represent cell parts, toothpicks, tape, scissors

Edible Cell-cake mix, icing, small pieces of candy

Edible blood-food coloring, corn syrup, chocolate syrup

Platelet bottle-empty water bottle, cheerios, water, food coloring, marshmallows

Bottle lung-water bottle, balloons, tape, straws, clay or play-doh, masking tape

Diffusion-Food coloring (red, blue), straws, a few glass jars to hold water, raw potatoes, eggs, clear cups

Mitosis Lab-gummy worms or longwise candy, string, paper towels

watercolor paint set with brush for various body system science sketch opportunities

paper towels

paper plates

construction paper

food coloring

marbles or pebbles

dry rice



tissue paper

Diagram Practice: dry erase marker, small dry erase board or wipeable surface

Skeleton Fun: black construction paper, q-tips, glue

Digestion Lab: crackers, Sprite or 7Up, 1 gallon ziploc bag

Paper Anatomy Models-cardstock white or cream paper, coloring pencils, scissors

Neuron Model Lab: play-doh or clay, paper towels, plate, pipe cleaners

Muscle Lab: dried spaghetti, two pieces of bread, jelly

Common kitchen supplies for labs: vinegar, pepper, salt, sugar, corn starch, kitchen, wax paper

Edible Skin Layer Lab: red jello, water, mini marshmallows, fruit rollup, twizzlers or licorice whips

Bone Lab-plate, rotisserie chicken, gloves

Kidney Filtering Lab: clear cup, glitter, breads or small pieces of plastic, soil, paper towels, tape,

small strainer, a few cottonballs

grocery store flower to observe the parts

dissection kit (optional) with tweezers and scapel

hand sanitizer

one hole punch

leaf from outside

rotting log outside (optional but helpful to find one to observe decomposers)

Petri Dishes with pre-made agar (3 needed)


shoebox or cardboard box


piece of bread

shoebox or pencil pouch to hold notecards

permanent markers



glasses to mix things in

Dissection opportunities: perch (fish), earthworm, starfish, crayfish, grasshopper, and frog. Students will be provided links to purchase these if interested and mini step by step instructions will be provided on these dissections if interested. Dissections are optional but recommended.


This class will feature a full year credit of Biology. Students will be provided an online textbook resource, 5-7 assignments each week in Google Classroom, and 24 Zoom sessions. Grading will also be provided. 

=$430 ($18/Week)