Add To Your WishlistIntroduction To Physics (Year Long: Grades 10-12)

Add To Your WishlistIntroduction To Physics (Year Long: Grades 10-12)

Class Available After September 15-This Class Is Currently Being Created Summer 2024.

Grade level: This course is for high school students only. Middle schoolers will need to take Physical Science first. It is highly recommended that students take Biology and Algebra 2 before registering. Physics is normally taken the senior year at the same time as Pre-Calculus.

Students will log into GC each week for a lesson and 4-5 assignments. Assignments can be reading sections, notecards to create, practice vocabulary exercises, lab activities, and assessments. 

Length: Full year course broken up into two semesters. 

Curriculum: All curriculum resources needed will be provided via pdf from Glencoe, MacMillan, and Lumen Learning. The class will also use the following online website resources: Quizizz, Quizlet, Nearpod, CK 12, and GVS.


Introduction: The Nature of Science and Physics

Introduction to Science and the Realm of Physics, Physical Quantities, and Units

Physics: An Introduction

Physical Quantities and Units

Accuracy, Precision, and Significant Figures



Two-Dimensional Kinematics

Dynamics: Force and Newton's Laws of Motion

Further Applications of Newton's Laws: Friction, Drag, and Elasticity

Uniform Circular Motion and Gravitation

Work, Energy, and Energy Resources

Linear Momentum and Collisions

Statics and Torque

Rotational Motion and Angular Momentum

Fluid Statics

Fluid Dynamics and Its Biological and Medical Applications

Temperature, Kinetic Theory, and the Gas Laws

Heat and Heat Transfer Methods


Oscillatory Motion and Waves

Physics of Hearing

Electric Charge and Electric Field

Electric Potential and Electric Field

Electric Current, Resistance, and Ohm's Law

Circuits and DC Instruments


Electromagnetic Induction, AC Circuits, and Electrical Technologies

Electromagnetic Waves

Geometric Optics

Vision and Optical Instruments

Wave Optics

Special Relativity

Quantum Physics

Atomic Physics

Radioactivity and Nuclear Physics

Medical Applications of Nuclear Physics

Particle Physics

Frontiers of Physics

Atomic Masses

Selected Radioactive Isotopes

Self Paced Option

$10/Week for 36 Weeks (2 Semesters)


Live Zoom Option

$25/Zoom for 36 Weeks (2 Semesters)


Payment plans available.