Oceanography Self Paced (Year Long: Grades 6-12)
The oceanography course is designed to emphasize the interconnectedness of multiple science disciplines. Students will recognize that the ocean is a dynamic system reflecting interactions among organisms, ecosystems, chemical cycles, and physical and geological processes, on land, in air, and in the oceans. Students will investigate oceanography concepts through experience in laboratories and fieldwork using the processes of inquiry.
Format: Self Paced
Length: Full Year (2 Semesters) $180/Semester For $360/Year
Grade Level: This course has been tailored into 2 different oceanography level classes-MS and HS.
Oceanography Introduction-
Module 1: The Science of Oceanography
Module 2: Oceanography Through the Early 19th Century
Module 3: Modern History of Marine Science
Module 4: Life & Layers of the Ocean
Module 5: Bio-Inspired Ocean Exploration
Module 6: Ocean Animals
Module 7: Water Pollution
Module 8: Conservation
Curriculum: Holt Oceanography, Glencoe Marine Biology, 4-H Resources, UGA Marine Science Resources, CK-12 and Lumen Learning curriculum will be used. All chapters needed will be provided via pdf.
This class does meet the lab requirement. A supply list will be supplied upon registeration, or request beforehand.
$10/Week For 36 Weeks=$360 ($180/Semester)