Grade Level Science Assessments (All Ages By Request)

Grade Level Science Assessments (All Ages By Request)

Grade level assessments are a great way to see what your child has mastered or what areas they need to work on. 

Mrs Collins has experience writing curriculum for the school system and for private charter schools so she will be able to provide a grade level assessment for each grade level and for your specific state standards. Standards are a list of topics that should be covered in the specific grade level per state requirements. Parents will be provided an online assessment that they will be able to proctor at home. The testing score will be provided immediately online. Then Mrs. Collins will provide an electronic report with suggestions. 

The grade level assessment can be used in two ways. First, to help Mrs. Collins create a tailored class on areas of weakness. Secondly, for parents to know areas of weakness to work on at home or to request tutoring. 

The following grade level assessments are available in science:

Kindergarten Science

1st Grade Science

2nd Grade Science

3rd Grade Science

4th Grade Science

5th Grade Science

6-8th Grade 

     Pick Life Science, Earth Science or Physical Science Assessment

High School Level

    Pick Biology, AP Biology, Earth Systems, Living Environment, Environmental Science, Horticulture, Forestry, Animal Science,

     Anatomy, Geology, Astronomy, General Science, Entomology

If you need another science topic not listed, please click Other: Not Listed. Then Mrs. Collins will be in touch. 

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