Spelling (Self Paced: Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

Spelling (Self Paced: Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)


In this GC classroom students will be provided a weekly spelling list. Spelling is a topic that is often overlooked with homeschool students but an important aspect for success in school and one day in the workplace. Mrs. Collins provides all academy students a list of spelling words to work on for their grade level upon enrollment. Families are encouraged to work on these together at home. If you would like additional focus on spelling, then a Spelling GC class would be a great option to add-on. Each week in GC students will be provided a weekly spelling list to work on. These list will have between 9-12 words, depending on the grade level. In GC students will log on weekly to find the new list.  Printed pdf notecards of the words will also be provided. 

Students will use a format of:

Write It

Listen To It

Use It 

Test It

Each week with this format students will be provided 5 tasks to complete in Google Classroom. They will first review the list, then begin the tasks. The first task is to write the word 3 times, then listen to it using a Quizlet pronounciation page, use it in a sentence, and then a spelling test is provided using Quizizz. Students will be able to move at their own pace, but with daily spelling assignments. All tests are graded each week. 

How does the spelling grades work? All spelling tests are graded immediately using the Quizizz teacher code. 

Tuition: Ranges from $99-$150, depending on the age level below.

This includes a full year of spelling broken up into two semesters using Google Classroom's self paced format. 

The course will provide a total of 36 weeks of spelling. The tuition is around $3/week. The course includes the spelling list so no additional spelling textbook is needed only the basic supplies (spiral notebook, notecards, highlighter, pencil, pen, and headphones). 

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