Technology Skills For Students (6 Weeks: Grades 3-10)
Length: 6 Weeks
Topics:, Google Docs, Google Forms, Google Sheets, Google Classroom, Google Sites, Padlet, Jamboard, Study Jams, Prezi Presentations, Canva Projects, Quizlet, and Quizizz.
Help your child be prepared with basic technology skills. Technology skills are imperative to success in school and future work situations.
This course will be offered via self paced videos or live 1:1 Zoom. The course will be tailored to the age range.
It is recommended that all families setup a free membership on so the student can practice typing during the session.
Self Paced 6 Week Course ($10/Week)=$60
Live 1:1 Zoom Course ($25/6 Zooms)=$150
This course provides a glimpse into these techonology programs. The course is commonly used as an elective course. If you are looking for a more in-depth class please visit the General Technology semester course. In that course students will learn the basics and then put their knowledge into use creating Google Forms, Google Docs, creating a resume, and more.