The Science Of Health & Anatomy (Full Year: Grades 7-12)

The Science Of Health & Anatomy (Full Year: Grades 7-12)

The Science Of Health & Anatomy

Grades: 7-12 Meets Health & Anatomy Credit

Health Education is a required course, which is typically taught within a nine-week or seventeen week semester time frame. In a Health Education class, students will obtain accurate information; acquire skills and behaviors that promote positive attitudes for making wise decisions related to their personal health. The central theme addresses adolescent risk behaviors that have been identified by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: the acceptance of personal responsibility for lifelong health, respect for and promotion of the health of others, understanding the process of growth and development, and informed use of health-related information, products, and services. The units will include Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs, Mental and Emotional Health, Disease Prevention, Human Growth and Development, Nutrition and Safety. The unifying agenda for health is for students to improve the quality of individual health through practice  and performance, which will sustain a lifetime of wellness.

A basic course of study in the structure and functions of human body systems is required. Study in both human anatomy and human physiology is required.It is not unusual for both of these subjects to be offered as one course. If the course you completed is a combined course, you may use the same course to fulfill both requirements.

This course is a unique way to finish two courses in one. This is a full year course, broken up into two semesters. This is a great course for students interested in the medical field, looking to complete a 2 in 1 course, or for students looking for a unique science credit. 

This course is 2 semesters long, for a full year credit. The course will provide a combination of teacher created lessons that have been proven to be effective and the following-

Online Textbook Resource Access:

-Teen Health Literacy

Created by: CK-12, Edition: Oct 30, 2015

-HealthCorps - Skills For A Healthy Me

Created by: CK-12, Edition: Sep 30, 2021

-Glencoe Health, Edition 2005

-Hole's Human Anatomy and Physiology (Shier), 13th Edition

All online curriculum resources will be provided via pdf format. 


I. Orientation of the Body

A. Anatomical terminology

B. Directional terminology

C. Planes and regions of the body

D. Overview of body systems, rat practical exam

II. Chemistry of Life

A. Basic inorganic chemistry review

a. atoms, molecules, compounds, bonding

b. pH, acids, bases, salts

B. Basic organic chemistry review

a. Macromolecules, proteins, enzymes, DNA, RNA, lipids, carbohydrates

III. Cellular Structure and Function

A. Cell types, organelles, structure and function

B. Cellular transport, communication, reproduction

C. Cell differentiation, cell cycle regulation, stem cells, cancer

IV. Histology

A. Tissue types and functions, characteristics, practical exam

B. Microscopy

V. Integumentary

A. Receptors: touch, pressure, nociceptors, chemoreceptors, mechanoreceptors,

B. Structure, functions, accessory organs (hair, nails, glands)

C. Burns, wound healing, skin cancer

VI. Skeletal

A. Types of bone

B. Bones and bone markings, practical exam

C. Fractures, healing, pathology

VII. Muscular

A. Types and names of muscles, shapes, structure and function

B. Graphical analysis of muscle contraction (smooth, cardiac, skeletal)

C. Exercises to improve muscle growth

D. Types of contractions, concentric, eccentric, isotonic, isometric

VIII. Nervous

A. Types of neurons and support cells

B. Neuron action potentials

C. Epineurium, perineurium, endoneurium (fiber size)

D. Brain structure and function

E. Memory, emotion, and learning

F.  Sympathetic and parasympathetic control

IX. Endocrine system

A. Hypothalamic, anterior pituitary, posterior pituitary hormones

B. Endocrine glands

C. Feedback mechanisms

D. Pathology

X. Blood

A. Basic hematology - plasma and cellular components

B. Hemostasis

C. Hemoglobin production, iron cycle, oxygen transport

D. Microscopy, blood cell identification

E. Blood groupings

XI. Cardiovascular system

A. The heart, structure, function, sheep heart practical exam

B. Regulation of cardiovascular system, cardiac conduction system

C. EKG, normal vs abnormal rhythms

D. Blood Pressure Determinations,

E. Peripheral circulation, blood vessel names and identification

F. Special circulations,

XII. Lymphatic system

A. Lymphatic organs structure and function  

B. Nonspecific and specific defense mechanisms  

C. Hypersensitivity and tissue rejection  


XIII. Digestive system

A. General digestive organs

B. Food needs, food pyramid, and nutrition

C. Metabolism

D. Nutrition

XIV. Respiratory system

A. Pulmonary anatomy

B. Mechanics of breathing

C. Measurement of pulmonary function

D. Control of breathing

E. Gas laws and gas exchange

F. Gas transport mechanisms

G. Tobacco Use

XV. Urinary system

A. Anatomy of urinary system structure and function

B. The nephron

C. Urine formation and control

D. Composition of urine

E. Pathology

XVI. Reproductive system

A. General terminology

B. Hormonal control of male and female reproductive systems continued from the Endocrine system

C. Male reproductive system

D. Female reproductive system

E. Fetal Development

XVII. Overall Health

A. Alcohol Use

B. Drug Use

C. Sleep

D. Healthy Weight

E. Importance Of Physical Activities & Exercise

Final Capstone Project: Portfolio Project

This course will not cover the following more in-depth health topics: Developing Personal Identify/Gender Changes, Sexual Abstinence, Virginity, and Human Sexuality.


Self Paced-

Two Semesters @ $10/Week For 36 Weeks 

Semester 1 $180 + Semester 2 $180=$360

Live 1:1 Zoom Option Available-

Total Of 36 Zooms @ $25/Session=$900

This Option Includes Curriculum & Zooms.

Payment Plans Available, By Request.

reward points