Our curriculum is designed to meet the needs and goals of students, while delivering a program that is empowering, engaging, rigorous, and relevant. Our approach is founded on inquiry-based and interdisciplinary learning to give students the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills through engaging projects, based on real-world challenges and problems.
We use a mastery-based approach to evaluate learning, allowing students to demonstrate skills and abilities at their own pace and in multiple contexts while fostering intrinsic motivation to deepen understanding. Students have multiple opportunities and avenues by which to demonstrate their learning.
The program consists of self paced, condensed, mid year (second semester), honors/ap, and live Zoom hybrid courses.
All students are provided with a spiral template to use as an interactive notebook. My interactive notebooks are simple spiral-bound notebooks into which students add handouts, lab reports, notes, science sketches, and vocabulary. It’s not an especially fancy system, but a simple, functional way for students to create, write, and explore ideas all in the same place. With the interactive notebook method:
-Interactive notebooks accommodate multiple learning styles at one time in (and out of) the classroom.
-Students have much more ownership of the entire learning process.
-Students are reading and writing, while also thinking and creating and doing. This helps students learn more deeply.
-Interactive notebooks teach students to organize and synthesize their thoughts.
-Student-teacher-parent interaction is built and strengthened with the use of interactive notebooks
-Students are building a portfolio that allows for teachers to track growth over time.
-Interactive notebooks have students create a resource to use as they continue to extend their learning.
-it eliminates excess papers being lost and misplaced when students would benefit from using them as they learn.
Families may sign up for classes all year long, and move at a pace that works for your family dynamics.
With virtual learning, students can sign up for self paced programs and complete at their own pace. This type of program allows for more confidence in subjects, greater creativity, and overall less stress. Flexibility: Asynchronous education allows students to complete coursework at a time that is convenient for them. This is especially important for students who have work or family obligations, or who live in different time zones.