Biology Assessment Practice Session (Open All Year For Extra Practice)

Biology Assessment Practice Session (Open All Year For Extra Practice)

Does your homeschooler or your public school student need more Biology practice? 
Enrolled students will have access to a Google Classroom with codes to my Biology assessments. I work as a contract teacher for a private school, and I create assessments for the public school system. I have over 357 assessments in Biology alone over every topic possible-meeting various state standards. Students will have access to a Google Classroom that is organized by Biology topics. For example: One section on cells has 6 practice assessments, vocabulary practice, science diagrams, and more.
Students can move through the unit practice assessments at their own rate, working at a self paced asynchronous pace. 
All assessments have been personally created by me, a certified Biology teacher. All of my assessments are on a 100 point grading scale, with immediate grading. Students will be presented with game style multiple choice questions to answer. Incorrect answers will be shown, and the correct answer will pop up after. Students can use the code provided to take assessments as many times as they like to improve confidence.
This is a great way to improve Biology skills and comprehension.
Price $15 for 25 assessments.
Topics: Abiotic vs Biotic, Biology History, Scientific Method, Types of Cells, Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cells, Viruses, Cell Division, Mitosis, Meiosis, Cell Respiration, Diffusion, Osmosis, Ecology, Chromosomes, Heredity, Genetic Material, DNA, Codons, Food Webs, Food Chains, Symbiosis
Requirements: The student will need a Gmail address to access Google Classroom.
Enrollment will be open all year for homeschoolers, public school students, private school students, dual enroll students, and anyone who needs extra practice or a Biology refresher.

reward points