Add To Your WishlistScience Exploration (9 Weeks: Grades K-8)

Add To Your WishlistScience Exploration (9 Weeks: Grades K-8)

Science Exploration 

Course Options Available: Elementary Science Exploration, Middle School Exploration

This course was created to engage inquiry based learners to help show their potential using project based learning techniques. The course will feature mini units/labs over Forensics, Life Science, Earth Science, Anatomy, and Environmental Science so students can experience several types of science. 

This course will be offered using a flex format or live option. 

Parents can use the lessons to teach from at home (best for younger elementary students), or assign the student to work independently. Each week will come with mini video lessons, Youtube summary videos, science sketches to draw at home, and fun labs to try at home. 

Length: 9 Weeks

Sample slideshow-HERE

Sample video-HERE

Week 1: Earth Science

-layers of the Earth clay/play doh project

Week 2: Earth Science

-create a tsunami water table

-make a volcano cup bubble up 

-cut out the continents and then place together as we explore plate tectonics

-lesson on the layers, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, and plate tectonics

Week 3: Life Science

-learn the parts of a flower

-pollination lab

-flower dissection

Week 4: Anatomy

-body systems cut out foldable project

-in depth study into each both system

-body system clay projects and diagrams

Week 5: Anatomy 

-blood platelet model

-edible blood

Week 6: Anatomy

-bottle respiratory system

Week 7: Forensics

-learn about how investigators solve crimes using fingerprints and handwriting

-create a handwriting analysis

-collect a set of fingerprints

-create your own scenario for a classmate to solve

Week 8: Environmental Science

-research water pollution

-create an environmental poster

-research the garbage patch in the ocean

Week 9: Project Week

During this week students pick a topic area to research, and create a poster or diorama over. We will also review this week, and a final assessment will be provided. 

Spiral notebook information: Students will learn how to create a science journal using a spiral notebook to use in the class and future classes as a reference guide. 


Self Paced


Live 1:1 Option

$25/ For 9 Sessions=$225